So after being pestered by all my legions of adoring fans I have entered the world wide web again.
Lifes been pretty constant with stuff happening here and there juxtaposed with not much happening in the inbetween parts. Memory fails due in part i expect to the massive amount of dust particles that have enveloped my brain after years living in squalor. But I can rememebr going camping at the weekend. twas fandabidozi too. Rhosneiger was our field of choice and we fuckin had it. not put off by our partners in camp dropping out at teh last night, submitting "weather" as their excuse for being soft ninnys, we traveled over friday afternoon. sunshine and wales, not a combination oft seen but we struck lucky this once. I single handedly erected our castle (well i got most of the main poles put together but had to slope off for help from a friendly group of mancs to show me the rest) Its one of them old 70's jobs with the plastic window and nu-deco patterinng under the hood. you know the types, them that creak if you blow on em and whisks you off like something out of the wizard of oz when a gust gets under the guide ropes.
We ate like kings, well - kings who live off spaggehtti bolocksnaise cooked in a wok over a candle. And slept like babys. again i could amuse your stitches with a wittycism but i'll leave you make up your own, involving teh aforementioned creakingoples and airbeds.
Saturday, fry up then beach. disapointed at the shuttness of the local chipperia. but not as disapointed as Patrick afetr his first venture out onto the surf, having donned wetsuit and body board. the waves were too small and the wet suit too loose. we made up for it with toasties, burgers and milkshakes in a quaint little caf on the prom. Then back for tea (corned beef hash). Sunday howling gales and rain reminded us that wales is indeed wet and windy (interject joke involving leaks if you will) and so we scarpered after 2 hours trying to get the mountain of bags and shit back in the car.
Other than that, its been pretty much same old - ive been to london wiv work for a conference. very ho hum - got slightly drunk and possibly made a fool of myself but nobody has told me i did so i cant have got my arse out or owt.
Oh, and Patrick didnt get the part in the panto - better luck next time.
Update on Frankie - he can do buttons up, and undo them. to be fair hes better at undoing them at the mo but hes practising bless im. Trying to teach him his numbers and letters but hes a bit reluctant. Same with peddaling but put him on a climbing frame and hes off like a little orangutang. good boy.
Well, thats it, im off
Everyone else has got one so why shouldnt I? possibly because my life isn't lived in some foreign exotica. Still, it means you all can keep up with my everyday toil without needing to phone. I'm just that thoughtful. And I might offer interesting tit bits from time to time. but don't hold out on it.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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